Credit Union ONE participates in financial training at Southwest Solutions
- November 2, 2018

Ferndale, Michigan – As part of a financial training program at Southwest Solutions to help start and train for a career, Credit Union ONE’S Alejandra Valencia Assistant Branch Manager participated with students to teach the basics of being a teller and cash handling. The organization located at 2835 Bagley Ave in Detroit invited Alejandra to share her skills and experience at a class held on October 26th, 2018.
The mission of Southwest Economic Solutions ( SWES ) is to provide opportunities for individuals and families to achieve greater economic success. They offer several programs to help eligible participants obtain the skills, resources and opportunities they need for gainful employment.
“ The class went very well with the participants asking many questions regarding the daily tasks of a credit union teller representative” said Alejandra. “ The overall positive work environment was one of many topics discussed, as the students were very interested in the work day activities”.