Personal Loan Rates

Personal Loan Rates

Push your life in a positive direction with our affordable loans

Personal Loans provide money for repairs or expenses - or to make big purchases. Our consumer-friendly rates leave you with lower interest payments and more cash to do whatever needs to be done.

Personal Loan Rates
Effective Date: December 19, 2024
Freedom ONE †
Term Up to 60 Months
APR* As Low As 13.35%
Certificate Secured ‡
Term Up to 60 Months
APR* As Low As Rate + 2.00%
Share Loan ††
Term Up to 120 Months
APR* As Low As 2.80% (V)
Type Term APR* As Low As
Freedom ONE †Up to 60 Months13.35%
Certificate Secured ‡Up to 60 MonthsRate + 2.00%
Share Loan ††Up to 120 Months2.80% (V)

Credit Union ONE is a full-service financial institution with locations in Southeast Michigan, Davison, MI, Traverse City, MI, and Grand Rapids, MI.

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APR=Annual Percentage Rate. 

APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Approval and actual rate offered is based on credit worthiness factors. Approximate monthly payment would be $22.93 per $1000 borrowed at 13.35% for 60 months. Other conditions may apply. Rates subject to change.

Annual Percentage Rate and is based on the annual percentage rate of the secured certificate plus a margin of 2%. Approximate monthly payment would be $17.97 per $1000.00 borrowed at 3.00% for 60 months. Other conditions may apply. Rates subject to change.


APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rate is variable and may increase during the loan term. Approximate monthly payment would be $9.57 per $1000.00 borrowed at 2.80% for 120 months. Loan balance will be secured against the regular share account. Secured funds will not be available for use. Other conditions may apply. Rates subject to change.

The calculator tools are not guarantees of credit. Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes.